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Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Today was a very busy day. We had 6 CFC volunteers; Tim, Henry, Bob, Chris, Ray, Buddy and Joel Stevenson our steady volunteer walk up. It was a hot day but we were able to perform all task that we were assigned. Thanks to the City of Adamsville public works employees and City of Hoover employees Jason and Billy for joining in to make a big difference in the 3 propertys on Morrow road.
We will take a well deserved day off tomorrow thanks again for all volunteers who have been assisting the people of Kemberly and Adamsville.
We will take a well deserved day off tomorrow thanks again for all volunteers who have been assisting the people of Kemberly and Adamsville.
Monday, May 12, 2014
We are
on for tomorrow. We will meet in the parking lot of the Senior Center at 419
Spring Street Adamsville, AL. 35005 at 8:30 – 9:00.
I hope to see you there.
Boyd and myself worked today using our chainsaws to clear 3
yards today. It was hot so bring plenty of water and also bring your lunch
Sunday, May 11, 2014
I will be going to Adamsville tomorrow morning and check in
with the city to see what work is out there for us. Than being said I would
like to field a team for Tuesday and Wednesday if the weather is favorable.
So far for Tuesday we have Boyd, Chris, Tim, and myself.
Please consider working with us on Tuesday and or Wednesday. We will meet at
8:30 at the center.
Please let me know if you can make it and share the
invitation with other members of our team. I will confirm via email tomorrow
afternoon if Tuesday is a go.
Thank you for your service.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Week of May 11 - 17 Work Request
If anyone would like to work please send me an email (bwill48@att.net) or call 205-213-4202 and if we can agree on a day or days that we can field a team I will try and set up a work day. We still have work to do in Adamsville, a large pine tree over a trailer just out of the city in Adamsville, and a huge tree in Bessemer laying across 3 front yards that could be possible targets.
If anyone would like to work please send me an email (bwill48@att.net) or call 205-213-4202 and if we can agree on a day or days that we can field a team I will try and set up a work day. We still have work to do in Adamsville, a large pine tree over a trailer just out of the city in Adamsville, and a huge tree in Bessemer laying across 3 front yards that could be possible targets.
Update on CFC Team Member John
for the kind words Bob. I am now home after 3 days in the hospital feeling
better and recovering. Evidently my body did not respond well to a routine
procedure and sent my heart into serious distress. I have now recovered and
feel well but the cause is still not known. I hope to join the cutters before
all the work is done, but i doubt it will be this week. Please let the group
know I am much better.
Thanks, John
Cutters for Christ team members, Riverchase UMC DRM team members, Asbury UMC
DRM team members and Friends of the Ministries,
day of service in Adamsville today began at 8:30 AM at the Adamsville Community
Center where we signed in, were given registration arm bands to wear and
identify us, and were treated to sausage biscuits and coffee to start of way.
We were back again on Morrow Lane by 9 AM where our first work assignment
was punctuated with rainfall just 30 minutes into our work day. The rain,
combined with the exhaustion of working every day for two weeks in Kimberly and
Adamsville, was enough for the team to call for an early end to the work day at
12:30 PM. Lunch consisting of barbecue chicken and green beans was served
at the Adamsville Community Center and appreciation was again shared by the
others there with the CFC team.
team today consisted of (left to right with most everyone's backsides to you!)
Henry Averyt, walk-up volunteer Joel Stevenson, A.J. Benintnede, Boyd Martin,
Chris Williams, Tim Smith and Buddy Williams. Abel was there in full
form and although you can’t make him out inside the protective cage, Bob
Suellentrop was in his pilot’s chair. This writer was there for the first
90 minutes, too, although a significant ankle sprain I suffered two days ago
has frustratingly taken me out of the chainsaw operation business for a week or
two and has sidelined me to just my team photography and workday reporting
Back on Morrow Lane, the team first worked at the home of Paul Roberts and removed two trees that were toppled on his property. (Those are his trees in the team photo above.) He was another homeowner who was spared the destruction of his home by the tree falling in the right direction - away from his house!
After completing the work at Paul’s house, the team removed a large oak tree at the corner of Morrow Lane and Cruce Road before ending their efforts for the week. We'll take a well deserved weekend off and rest up for whatever next week brings.
Being tired, there was not a lot of interest being expressed today by team members for getting right back into action again next week. This is tough work! And more bad weather may be coming. And the Asbury UMC skid steer, Abel, will not be available to us next week. And…and…and. But there is certainly plenty of work to do. So maybe there will be just a day or two of chainsaw cutting next week as members recharge and the weather permits. Without Abel, pickers, haulers and draggers will certainly also be needed. As I’ll be out of town most every day next week, if you have an interest in any team activities next week please communicate directly with deployment/team leader Buddy Williams at bwill48@att.net and let him know what days you might be available for service.
I encourage you also to check the CFC blog site every day at http://cuttersforchrist.blogspot.com for any up-to-the-minute communications from Buddy - he doesn’t have all 300 of your email addresses so he won’t be sending emails to you, but he asks that you check the blog site daily for any updates from him which he will post there when he has things to share with you during the week.
Let’s keep all the neighbors impacted by these local tornadoes in our prayers.
In His Service,
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Dear Cutters for Christ, Asbury UMC, and RUMC Disaster Response Ministry
Members and Friends of the Ministry,
Buddy Williams, one of our Cutters
for Christ coalition disaster response ministry coordinators, received a call
at 6:30 AM this past Tuesday morning. He was asked if CFC could field a
team and report to Kimberly, Alabama, which had been hit by an EF-1 tornado
just 8-1/2 hours earlier, as soon as possible to assist the first responders
and homeowners there. The Kimberly Church of God had been destroyed and
the town’s fire station had been uprooted from its foundation and
redeposited in Stouts Road. Property owners in the path of the tornado
lost roofs, had uprooted trees come crashing through their homes, and trees
anywhere near the path of the tornado were snapped off and dropped
pick-up-sticks style in yards and across roadways.
We were able to pull together a team
of 5 CFC members that morning who could break from their prior commitments and
move quickly to assist the fire, police and utility companies there in
beginning to clear away debris. They were in Kimberly, ready to work, by 9 AM.
6 CFC members reported for work in Kimberly on Wednesday, 7 on Thursday
and 8 on Friday. Yesterday, one CFC team member, Henry Averyt, even drove
to the North Alabama Conference United Methodist Church Disaster
Response Warehouse in
Decatur, Alabama to retrieve needed supplies for distribution to the residents
of Kimberly.
After 4 consecutive days of work in
Kimberly our CFC teams and the others assisting this community immediately
after the tragedy had cleared so much debris that the authorities are
considering asking us not even to return again until the mounding debris piles
that have been formed at the curbsides all around town have been picked up and
cleared. That assessment will be officially made sometime on
Here are just a few images from
Kimberly and the work our CFC teams have helped perform there this week:
We'll be moving more into the relief
phase of our disaster response ministry work beginning next week, whether that
be in Kimberly or in some other community. Moving from the first
responder phase into the disaster relief phase, our teams will be open for
others interested in volunteering to help homeowners begin to rebuild their
lives. Please check your calendars and consider joining a team next
week. As soon as we learn where our services may most be needed,
we'll alert you and let you know where and when we'll be deploying. Our
plans are to work Tuesday through Friday next week, so please check your email
on Monday evening to see where we'll be. We sincerely hope that your
schedule will allow you to join in this phase of disaster response.
Come serve our neighbors who may be
suffering as victims of this most recent tornado disaster. Help give them
the strength to become survivors of this severe weather event
by sharing the joy of Christ with them!
In His Service,
Bob T.
Bob T.
RUMC Disaster Response Ministry Coordinator
Robert P. (Bob) Thompson
250 Trace Ridge Road
Hoover, Alabama 35244-3924
Cellphone: 205.276.3030
Robert P. (Bob) Thompson
250 Trace Ridge Road
Hoover, Alabama 35244-3924
Cellphone: 205.276.3030
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