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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dear All,

Based on the responses I've received, Tuesdays have won out for our "routine standing work day" for this Fall. Apologies to the minority who preferred Thursdays. Hopefully you'll be able to adjust your calendars and schedules to work on some Tuesdays if we have jobs scheduled. And it doesn't mean we can't ever go out on other days, just that Tuesdays will be our "routine" call-to-work day so you can plan your calendars. 

I'm suggesting we head to Camp Sumatanga the Tuesday after Labor Day (September 3) to tackle the chainsaw work (the mountaintop cross and overhanging tree in the woods). 

Then IF we could confirm the availability of Abel and/or Samson and Alan's winch truck on Tuesday, September 10, 17 or 24 (the earlier the better, I'd think), we could plan to tackle the stumps at Pool Camp then. The stumps obviously depend upon the 'mechanical aides' to pull them out of the ground. 

So...please let me know first if you can make the job assignment on Tuesday, September 3. 

Those of you who transport and pilot the 'mechanical aides,' which following Tuesday would best work for you?  Once we know your availability we'll send out the call for those of us who will wield shovels, saws and axes to help free the stumps from the ground. (And remember, we'll be augmented by the camp's tractor on that job, as we'll.)

Could I hear back from everyone by, say, Thursday of this week - August 29 - concerning this? Thanks. 

Bob Thompson

Sent from my iPhone

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